
Are you interested in a Bachelor or Master Thesis?

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Abgeschlossene Thesis

Master thesis:

Boris Tangoa Mesia (2023) "Intravenous infusion of Cortisol, Adrenaline, or Noradrenaline and its effect on pig gut microbiota"

Jinmei Wang (2023) "Evaluation of the effects of incorporating cellulose in feed on ileum and caeca microbiota in broilers"

Theresa Gruber (2023) "Effect of soybean meal and nucleotide supplementation on the gut microbiota of Atlantic salmon"

Anna Hanauska (2021) "Rumen microbial adaptation to algae feed supplementation"

Shreeya Piya (2020) "Fluctuations of rumen microbial community during adaptation to an in vitro system (Rusitec) supplemented with Algae"

Iweta Metzger (2018) "The effect of metformin in the intestinal microbial community of mice"


Bachelor thesis:

Ronja Bruenig (2021) "The influence of different DNA/RNA storage and extraction methods on microbiota characterization"

Elisabetta Schreiner (2020) "Mikrobielle Gemeinschaft im Verdauungstrakt von weißen und braunen Legehennenrassen in der 30. Lebenswoche"

Regina Müller (2020) "Vergleich der bakteriellen Besiedelung des Ileums und des Caecums bei federpiickenden Legehennen"

Rebecca Kraft (2018) "Coccidiostat effects on microbial community of digestive tract of broilers"